Today’s schedule:

A Little Princess

Pride and Prejudice

Little Women

House of Eliott

Clearly, I’m extremely disappointed that I wasn’t born at least a hundred years ago.

Silly Scotty.

Anyway, you are lucking out because I’m in high procrastination mode today. Now we will be starting the list of things I like and things I dislike, potentially to be continued throughout the day. So stay tuned.

Things I Like:


Cat Power

Things I Dislike:


Well friends, it’s been awhile. Here’s the update on my life:

The past three days I’ve barely slept, and I really need to shower. It’s gross.

I’m almost done with finals. One paper, one annotated bibliography, two shots in a movie, and a final exam and I’m out of here come Monday.

I’m getting really excited for my epic train journey. Crazy planning me is taking over and already starting to plan out everything I need to pack, including the books I  want to read. Anyone have any suggestions?  On my current list: Howards End (2nd half), A Passage to India and Rebecca.  Also trying to find a copy of Imperial Leather, if anyone has one. I’m not sure Amazon can get it here on time.

I have a new love of my life and her name is Di. She’s not really a new love, but she’s my friend (I suppose) and I’m obsessed with her. She is barely smarter than a fifth grader.

I also have a new sweater. It is a really awesome sweater.

Why this afternoon is amazing:

1. Let’s start with the visual. I love my outfit. Dark skinny jeans, my white button down, hair in bun, glasses on.  Six pack of tall boys on the table, sitting next to my new DVDs of FRASIER.

2. I’m sitting on the couch having a beer and watching Frasier, soon to be joined by my dear friend Kim.

Basically, I am happy happy. Even though it is snowing.

Making Bad Decisions

March 27, 2008

So as you may or may not know, one of my final projects for the semester means making a video. Part of this project means making a model of a medical waste incinerator. Since most involve oval-shaped chambers, I decided to use Diet Coke cans to make my model. Except Diet Coke cans can scratch your skin. And if you have such scratches, you should avoid putting copious amounts of Purell or a similar anti-bacterial agent on your hands because it burns. A lot. On your hand scratches. That was my bad decision of the day.

And, per use., I hate capitalism–especially of the global sort.

Making Good Decisions

March 26, 2008

Today I am making a very good decision and I am very glad about it. Thank God for Tragic Kingdom. Great tape, great tape.

Also, I really like friends. Especially friends that enjoy bad softcore gay porn (until there’s just too much magic involved and it gets boring because there’s no more crying sex on the beach).

Lily Bart

March 24, 2008

So the weekend is over and now it is Monday and I have to deal with all sorts of nonsense and I am really not feeling it. I would much rather just lay here on the couch in my bathrobe and towel. Life is difficult… and I am a useless person.


March 21, 2008

There are two main types of kids at my school: the ones that study in Pgill, and the ones that go to the library. Granted, there are a few that stick to their rooms, and a few that tend to go to other labs, but the overwhelming majority will claim an alliegance to either George & Helen or the dear old Pgill.

I am a Pgill die-hard, ever since freshman year. The library has never really worked for me. I don’t know what it is I dislike about it–I think it’s mainly the lighting, and the dark interior–but I’ve never been a fan of studying there. I’ve always been somewhat surprised, because I love libraries. But I think in this case, it might just be that I love Pgill more. A brief list, entitled Why I Love Pgill Until the End of Time:

1. It’s open all night. Granted, you need a key card sometimes, and if you leave between 3:30 and 6 a.m. you have to get someone from inside to let you back in. But, unlike the library, you never get kicked out, and someone is almost always around.

2. Kids passed out on couches. Today is Friday, and a pretty non-descript Friday at that–it’s not finals or midterms, a few kids have thesis due, but not a ton. But when I walked into the Pgill Atrium this morning at about 10:15, there a bunch of kids just sprawled out on couches, fast asleep. It’s great.

3. The WGS lounge. There are a bunch of academic departments housed in Pgill, and most of them have their own lounges (though some have to share). The WGS department, luckily, not only has its own large and nice lounge, but it has a very, very nice computer, one of the only lounges that does. As someone with a computer so broken it’s probably past repair, this computer (which I am writing from at the very minute) has saved my life numerous times. It is also a Mac. And a brief illustration why I love the WGS lounge: I am currently enjoying a turkey sandwich, doing some reading, blogging all while enjoying an episode of Frasier in a room by myself. It might as well be my home.

4. Finals week in Pgill. I’m a masochist, I guess, but there’s a little part of me that loves Pgill during finals week. Everyone’s staying up all night, everyone’s stressed. You all hate life, everyone’s smoking cigarettes and chugging Red Bull/coffee, whatever. But I find it oddly comforting and sometimes, even down right enjoyable. People haven’t gone home in days, they’ve brought changes of clothes. It’s a strangely supportive and comforting environment.

I believe those are the four main reasons. I love Pgill. Coming soon: my guide to a successful all-nighter in Pgill.

One final aside: I am currently checking to see if my cosmetic  products are safe (thanks Gender and Technology), but so far, so good. My Body Shop Conditioner scores a 6, and that’s the worst. So hopefully in 10 years I won’t have babies with Phthalate diseases.

1. Seeing that Maine has had record snowfall this year, there are massive snowbanks on all over the sidewalk. So everyone on my street walks in the middle of the street. I’m quite curious to see whether or not this trend continues once the snow has melted. I really hope it does. My street is a wee bit sketchy, and I think the walking down the middle of the street increases that sketch factor. So I hope it continues.

2. Having a baby with the same name as you is confusing. My brother keeps sending videos and pictures of the new baby with a message saying things like, look at baby flail her arms! Only instead of baby, it’s my name. So I’m all like, when did my brother take a video of me? Then I realize it’s the baby. So confusing.

3. When you’re in class, and you think you know the answer, but your friend tells you that you are wrong, listen to them. Yelling blood when your teacher asks about a chemical reaction that occurs in the body is really awkward. Because it’s not right. At all.

4. Scrounging up quarters for laundry is really annoying.

5. The woman at the bank today was really nice and helpful and it made bank-going a very pleasant experience.

AP Art

March 15, 2008

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